Logo Categorization

Introduction From the highest number images folder, the logo ids and corresponding design ids are extracted from Logotool logos and designs collection using PyMongo Client. From the obtained design ids, information about the customer is extracted. Details about logos, customers and orders are available .   Documentation https://javrasoftware.sharepoint.com/:w:/r/sites/rdinaiml/_layouts/15/doc.aspx?sourcedoc=%7Bf25118eb-339a-463d-a265-e2033ef870de%7D&file=image%20clustering%20script%20using%20clip%20and%20hierarchical%20clu.docx&action=default&mobileredirect=true POC(only http ) http://poc.javra.com/ GIT https://git.javra.com/internal-rnd/image-clustering-using-clip.git

How To Execute Windows App and Mobile apps From Websites

Summary: Most of the operation systems today knows how to handle a call to a very specific list of protocols. Examples, All OS will automatically suggest your default browser for serving http or https protocol. e.g. command prompt: start https://google.com command open browser. Similarly adding href with mailto:// URL will automatically opens mail app,callto:// executes […]

Salesforce Development Quick Guide

Salesforce Development Setting up Salesforce Organization Before starting anything with salesforce we need to set up our salesforce environment, to do so navigate to https://developer.salesforce.com/ and click signup on the top right of the menu bar.   Fill up the form(s) required and once the signup is completed. Log in with your developer account and […]

Starting with Powerapp

Power app is one of the low code platforms. It is Microsoft service for building apps that can run on mobile and web platforms. The main aspect we must understand while creating an application with power app is we have two options for creating an app. One is canvas and other is model driven.

Protocol Buffers with Ajax in .NET Core

Introduction Protocol buffers, or Protobuf, are a binary format created by Google to serialize data between different services. Google made this protocol open source and now it provides support, out of the box, to the most common languages, like JavaScript, Java, C#, Ruby and others. Protocol buffers, usually referred as Protobuf, are a protocol developed […]

Docker, a quick glance!

Docker, say what? As the logo resembles, docker analogically is a shipping dock where one loads on multiple containers and ships the goods where and when required. So, containers in technical sense are the bucket that contain apps. Each container is oblivious to what other container has, no damage whatsoever. According to docker’s official site: […]

Natural Language Processing (NLP)

Natural Language Processing began in earnest in 1950 when Alan Turing published his paper entitled “Computing Machinery and Intelligence”, from which the so-called “Turing Test” emerged. Turing basically asserted that a computer could be considered intelligent if it could carry on a conversation with a human being without the human realizing they were talking to […]

Graph Database (Neo4j)

The world is a tsunami of data right now. Everything literally everything is stored somewhere. Now, on the other hand extracting the data correctly, which have so many connections is becoming harder and slower by the day. So, this post is about the database which claims that e-bay praised them of easy queries and allowing […]

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (GitHub,Circle CI, Docker)

Developing a software is a tedious task if you paint the big picture. Developers code and push the changes to the repository and pray that their codes work out. Let’s say it works in your local system and maybe from the repository too. What if the other developers push their code to the repo and this […]