Smart Javra Chatbot

Introduction Javra’s Smart AI Chatbot, a cutting-edge solution designed to transform your workflow and enhance the overall employee experience. This intelligent companion provides instant access to crucial information, delivering prompt responses that streamline daily tasks and foster collaboration across all levels within your company. Overview   POC  

Getting started with BEM methodology

What is BEM? BEM is a front-end naming method for organizing and naming CSS classes. The Block, Element, Modifier methodology is a popular naming convention for class names in HTML and CSS. It helps to write clean CSS by following some simple rules. Projects of any size with CSS can benefit from a BEM framework—unless […]

Web Assembly

Web assembly is a low level assembly like language with a compact binary format that provides high speed performance and supports various languages like C,C++,Rust to be executed in browsers.The language is not handwritten but is designed to be an effective compilation target for different languages such that it can be used to create web […]