We have a number of Research and Development projects completed, in progress and in planning phase at Javra. We have worked on various different projects across a variety of sectors, be it new and trending technologies, IoT, innovation and product development.

This platform aims to keep everyone within the organization well informed about the various R&D activities — the R&D title, quick info and information on where one should be looking for the details (ex- link to SVN repository where the project documents are, live demo website, executable if available, etc…)
We will have R&D entries with the title and a short information about the topic. We can discuss whether or not to pursue further with Feasibility study in the comments section or elsewhere (regular meetings). The outcomes (project whitepaper) and further poc/demo plans, etc. will all reside in the SVN repository which will be linked from here. Although we can attach certain documents in the post as well so it can be downloaded/read when needed.

Blogging 101

This is a closed blog, meaning this can only be accessed by the registered user. Only admin can register new users. You should already have changed your password, if not please do so right now.

For every R&D topic, we will add a new ‘Post’. It is very easy adding new posts, but I will include these steps just incase.

To create a new post

  1. Click on the hamburger menu on the top left
  2. Go to ‘Site Admin’ under ‘QUICK LINKS’
  3. Then Post > Add New
  4. Enter Title
  5. Enter body
    1. Enter body text
    2. You can show only a little snippet in the list (homepage) by clicking on toolbar button ‘Insert Read More Tag’ ( top row, second from right)
    3. Attach file by clicking on [Add media] button above toolbar
  6. Before you hit [Publish] button on the right
    1. Select Categories (right sidebar)
    2. Add Tags (right sidebar)
    3. (These allows us to filter by category/tag later on when looking for certain topic)
  7. Hit Publish

To update or delete

  1. Go to Posts > All Posts
  2. Hover over the post you are modifying > click on appropriate action

That’s it.

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