
The world is a tsunami of data right now. Everything literally everything is stored somewhere. Now, on the other hand extracting the data correctly, which have so many connections is becoming harder and slower by the day. So, this post is about the database which claims that e-bay praised them of easy queries and allowing them to obtain features which MySQL database had no feasible way to do. So, without further ado, let’s introduce Neo4j.

Neo4j is a graph database that follows the property graph model efficiently. The property graph contains connected entities nodes which hold any number of attributes(key-value-pairs). The picture below depicts the theme.


Changing the data model of the system to the graph based system provides benefits that no RDBMS can provide at least not in that speed.

Research Proposal

Title: Graph database (Neo4j)

Issues with the RDBMS and slower data pull and queries can be fixed by modeling the database in graph based system. Multiple connections between the tables and joining them in query runtime can be wiped out using Neo4j which will eventually increase the speed of data retrieval and more features can be added.


  1. To model ENZA Bas database into Neo4j, for better data retrieval.
  2. Comparing the speed of data retrieval and query processing that is currently existing against the created graph database.


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