React Native is the next generation of React – a JavaScript code library developed by Facebook and Instagram, which was released on Github in 2013. React Native let you build native iOS and Android application by using JavaScript. So react native utilize both the advantages of Native app and Hybrid app functionality.

React Native helps developers reuse code across the web and on mobile. Engineers won’t have to build the same app for iOS and for Android from scratch – reusing the code across each operating system. Thus the focus of React Native is on developer efficiency across all the platform. They even uses the phrase ‘Learn Once, write any where’, which is absolutely true.
More information on react native can be found at:   and if you wish to read why to use react native application  for mobile application development please read  this white_paper_react_native .

React Native Architect

Screen Shot 2016-08-09 at 17.55.25

Application build with React Native


These are some of the most well crafted React Native apps that we have come across.

Facebook Group, Sound Cloud, Discovery VR

More info can be found at showcase ( native/showcase.html) or


At Javra

Here at  javra,  we are experimenting   and react native to develop and revamped one of our old mobile application project ‘Photoos.Net‘. This application was develop about 4 years ago for both android and iOS.  And in 4 years there have been huge advancement in mobile technology be it in design pattern or the device capability.


Our Goals:

  1. Identify One tool to develop mobile application.
  2. Verify react native to be consider for future mobile application development tool.
  3. Make from react native and have at least one POC product build under this technology.
  4. Following are the application mockup which we are trying to develop.

1. Tour 1 2. Tour 2 3. Home 4. Event Photos 5. Event Selector 6. Event Photos Add To Basket 7. Photo activity 8. Photo activity comment 9. Photo activity share 10. Full screen photo 11. Login 12. Menu 13.User Upload 14. Profile dropdown 15. Basket 16. Terms and Condition 17. About



Pros and Cons





React Native seems to be extremely easy to use  framework for developing native mobile application with javascript   that  not only mobile application developer but also the web developer need to get familiar.  At the time of writing this blog (August 9 2016), I think react native can make lot of difference in productivity and development cost when developing light weight application which does not involve heavy animations, audio and video application that can take up huge memory , gaming application.

Project Detail


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